Davide Moro
Python, Javascript, AngularJS, Pyramid, Plone and... more
Testing metrics thoughts and examples: how to turn lights on and off through MQTT with pytest-play
In this article I'll share some personal thoughts about test metrics and talk about some technologies and tools playing around a real ...
CSS selectors guidelines for smooth test automation with Selenium
Mind exploding trying to locate a DOM element and after 20 minutes you get a selector like that? .elem__container_search div:nth-child(1) ...
Turn any program that uses STDIN/STDOUT into a WebSocket server using websocketd
Yesterday I tried for the first time websocketd and it is amazing! This is a little gem created by @joewalnes that let you implement lang...
Setting up Cassandra database service on TravisCI
At this time of writing TravisCI says that if you want to run a Cassandra service you have to add a cassandra service according to https:...
High quality automated docker hub push using Github, TravisCI and pyup for Python tool distributions
UPDATE 20190611: the article contents are still valid but I definitively switched from pyup to the requires.io service. Why? There were an...
API/REST testing like Chuck Norris with pytest play using YAML
In this article we will see how to write HTTP API tests with pytest using YAML files thanks to pytest-play >= 2.0.0 (pytest-play provid...
Hello pytest-play!
pytest-play is a rec &play (rec not yet available) pytest plugin that let you execute a set of actions and assertions using commands s...
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